Nostradamus foresaw the Macedonian Ilinden uprising

Modern historyNostradamus foresaw the Macedonian Ilinden uprising

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The French pharmacist Nostradamus (1503-1566), who had also worked as a doctor and astrologer, was already famous during his lifetime. He owes this to his prophetic poems, which consisted of groups of 100 combined quatrains, the so-called centuria. Nostradamus also reported about Macedonia and the Macedonians at that time. Or rather, he predicted or has seen something…

In addition, an excerpt from the blog, which explains such a piece written by Nostradamus about the Macedonians, more precisely the well known Macedonian Ilinden uprising in 1903 versus the Ottoman occupier.

Nostradamus on “The Pre-War Period 1901-1911”

The first six quatrains of this century relate to the time before the beginning of the Balkan wars in 1912/13, which already meant a portent for the subsequent First World War. The Ilinden uprising against Turkish rule was a harbinger of the Balkan Wars, and Nostradamus’ first Quatrain for this century also refers to this.

Verse 2.28

The Ilinden uprising against the Turks

De penultieme au surnom du Prophete
Prendra Diane pour son iour & repos
Loing vaguer par freneticque teste
Delivrant un grand peuple d’impost.

English translation (taken from Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies in English and French)

The penultimate of the surname of the Prophet
Will take Diana for this day and rest:
He will wander far because of a frantic head,
and delivering a great people from subjection.

The “penultimate” is not a person but the uprising.

On the night of July 20-21, 1903, an uprising against Turkish rule broke out in Macedonia. July 20th is the day of the prophet Elias. The uprising was given the epithet of the prophet: Elias uprising (Macedonian “Ilinden uprising” from Sveti/Holy Ilija). The uprising was suppressed by the Turks with superior military strength.

Balkan War

It can be seen as the penultimate uprising, followed by the first Balkan War (see Quatrain 2.52, No. 7), through which the Ottomans finally lost all their possessions on mainland Europe. July 21, 1903 (according to the Julian calendar) is a Monday, the day named after the (Roman) moon goddess Diane. It is declared a day of rest, i.e. a holiday. This day (August 2nd according to the Gregorian calendar) is still a national holiday in Macedonia.

The “frantic head” is the ruler of the Ottomans, Sultan Abdul Hamid II (1876 – 1909). His nickname was the “Red Sultan” because of his bloody suppression of various uprisings (Anatolia). The uprising in Macedonia was also brutally suppressed.

“Among the fatalities were 5000-15000 civilians, 200 villages were razed to the ground, 12000 houses burned, 70000 people became homeless, tens of thousands fled to neighboring countries …”.

Macedonia and the Balkans remained “Europe’s bone of contention” for a long time. Only at the end of the second Balkan War in 1913 were the states reorganized; these limits are still valid today – despite the revision attempts in the First World War.

The Ilinden uprising was the prelude to the liberation of the Balkans from the compulsion of centuries-long Ottoman rule.

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